poniedziałek, 2 lipca 2012

If Happy Ever After did exist
I would still be holding you like this
All those fairy tales are full of shit
One more fucking love song I'll be sick

sobota, 30 czerwca 2012

Riddicolous amount of time has passed since my last entry..

So here I am looking at my old posts, noticing how many technical terrible mistakes I was practising..

I think I'm more skilled right now.Although still a lot to learn!

Today I've done two looks, the pictures do not show their full beauty - they were taken with my phone, it's quite hard to find a good,not too brightly lit area - to show the true colours.

I don't think I've succeded, but ah well.

Here they are:

 I saw a different version of this look on katOsu's youtube channel - I loved her work, so this is my take on that lovely idea.Looking at it now I should probably blend it downwards a bit more.Ah well.

And this is the other one:

Hope you liked it.

As soon as I fix my Nikon camera, there shall be more photos of each look, I know this is just unacceptable! :)

See ya later!


niedziela, 28 listopada 2010


The white stuff is comming down from the sky..I thought I'm gonna do something really simple, and so I did.Just blue and white.No more.

Enjoy the simpleness :)

My hair is destroyed... I thought I'm gonna bleach it, so that the red will come out more vibrant.But the bleached part became an ugly rectangle. O_o
Had to dye it black...

sobota, 20 listopada 2010

My inspiration ;)

Now, the first photo would be my inspiration :)

Yep :)

Now, I'm not gonna show my whole face ,coz I realize how bad I look on these photos I took myself.This just can't be good.

Which one is better? :) I like the one with grey lid

niedziela, 14 listopada 2010

My brows!!! O_O

I finally did it...

O my god I was so scared to do it..But one day I just woke up, took the mirror..And half of my brows are gone!
And I actually love it...

I also braid in my dreads.I wish I had more of them...I'll get them soon.Here's some make up I did to celebrate :)



 I think I'm gonna do a tutorial tommoro, stay tuned!

wtorek, 9 listopada 2010

Inspired by my forum friend

Didn't work out...

Pinkish , Blueish Crap

This one I did yesterday, I wasn't sure if it looks good or not, that's why I did just one eye.
I still don't know if I like it or not.Kinda like it...But I don't know
Anyway ,here you go: